Annual Plant Sale Completed!

Thank-you for attending yesterday’s Plant Sale! Despite the rainy start, the event was a success!! Of course our fabulous hard-working volunteers made the day 💚 & the Cafe offered yummy treats too. Plus Catherine F. bidded generously for the handmade auction table. So nice to see you & we appreciate your support; Bravo All 😊!

About Diane Dalkin

As of May 2022, I am now assisting the FoRRGS team as President [again], but only until a new person steps up into this exciting role. I have been a long-term volunteer of this exceptional, dedicated group. As a Master Gardener, this special oasis appeals to my horticultural interests; however it offers so much more. Whether you are a historical aficionado, a nature enthusiast, a photography buff or simply searching for quiet repose, Reader Rock Garden is a destination-of-choice. I'm proud to be part of this National Historic Site!