✨ Happy 2024!!! ✨

Hope your winter Holidays were good to you!

Here at the greenhouse new life is emerging to greet the coming spring, even though it’s currently very cold outside. ❄

And, so it begins … Romulea bulbocodium, an out of zone corm that will be grown for the herbarium and overwinter inside; Allium senescens ssp. Montanum & Campanula thyrsoides – all sprouts looking promising & cozy in the indoor warmth. 🌱

The Calgary Orchid Show!! – Completed

Be prepared to see fabulous blooms at the upcoming Calgary Orchid Show, June 3 & 4, 2023, at the Genesis Centre [see poster for more details].

Did you know that Reader Rock Garden also has some gorgeous Cypripediums/Ladyslipper Orchids?

FoRRGS will have a booth/table onsite Saturday, June 3. Come by and say “Hello”, renew your membership or find out what’s happening at the Garden. Our “Members-Only” Plant Sale & Stroll is around the corner on June 10!

Hope to see you there!

FoRRGS AGM – Completed – Thank-You to Attendees!

First in-person meeting in a long time!

All Welcome. Come by and meet the Board; find out what we’ve been up to or volunteer; and we’d be delighted to answer your questions. We also try to add some fun too.

Looking forward to seeing you there!