History of Reader Rock Garden
Microsoft TeamsVirtual Learning Opportunity for members of FoRRGS. Brought to you by Glynn Wright
Virtual Learning Opportunity for members of FoRRGS. Brought to you by Glynn Wright
Meeting for Board of Directors. Volunteers are welcome to join.
Calgary Seedy Saturday is part of the worldwide Seedy Saturday/Sunday events that celebrate open-pollinated seeds. In Calgary, the event is coordinated with the support of the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association. FoRRGS is a proud annual participant of Calgary Seedy Saturday with plans to join this year's event virtually. More details to come!
Spring is in the air and that means that our Reader's Garden Cafe will be opening it's doors on April 30. If you are a member of Friends of Reader Rock Garden Society, don't forget to mention your name for a 10% discount at the Cafe.
Annual General Meeting to discuss and vote on key issues.
Meeting for Board of Directors. Volunteers are welcome to join.
Annual FoRRGS Plant Sale and take a stroll in the Garden. Unfortunately, this in-person event has been cancelled due to COVID-19 considerations. We will be holding an exclusive FoRRGS members-only virtual sale in May.